Deva Yoga Shala is a traditional shala for teaching Ashtanga yoga, a space dedicated to self-knowledge and the memory of Sharathji Jois. We teach in a traditional way according to its founder Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.
It is a yoga method that consists of synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures, in which you purify and detoxify the muscles and internal organs.
Ashtanga yoga is a very useful tool for your daily life as with the practice of asanas you achieve a serene mind, learn to breathe, and it helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
We want to welcome everyone who wants to learn and practice yoga, whether they are children, young people, adults, families, beginners, pregnant women...
Our mission is to create a serene and relaxed environment in which you can find the comfort to connect with your inner self.

Victoria Rosselló
Victoria started practicing yoga in 2009 and after trying different styles of yoga in 2011, she found Ashtanga yoga with her teacher Pepe Más.
In 2012, she made her first trip to Mysore, India to practice at KPJAY with her Guru and Master Sharathji Jois, who in 2015, authorized her to teach Ashtanga yoga in a traditional way as it was taught to her.
Victoria began attending Pepe's classes in 2014 in Ashtanga yoga and in 2020, she opened her own shala.
She is a mother of two children and believes that the practice of Ashtanga is a fundamental tool for daily life.
Victoria has had a daily Ashtanga yoga practice since 2011 and continues to travel to India to practice with her teacher Sharathji Jois and Sharmila Desai. She has also attended multiple workshops that both teachers have conducted in different countries.
Ramiro Ventura
Ramiro has known yoga for more than seventeen years.
Since then, he has consistently dedicated himself to his practice and, since 2010, to his teaching.
His passion for the study of yoga and his vocation to share it prompted him to travel to India six times; having the opportunity to practice at the Krishna Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute and at the Sharath Yoga Center. In mid-2018, he received level II authorization to teach the method from his teacher Sharath Jois - who during his next trips to Mysore in 2019 and 2022, he had the opportunity to attend.
His training for the accompaniment of therapeutic processes through the yoga tool continues in constant deepening and includes knowledge of Ayurveda, anatomy, Chinese medicine, Vedanta philosophy, anthroposophy, doula, ontological coaching and transgenerational tree.
In addition to the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, Ramiro has trained as a dancer of classical dance of India -bharatnatyam- and contemporary dance.

Carrer del Marquès de la Sènia, 4407014 Palma
Illes Balears
(+34) 649 299 288The monthly fee must be paid between the 1st and 5th of the month.
If you have any problem with the payment, do not hesitate to talk to us.
You can make payment by card, wire transfer and cash
IBAN ES89 0081 0609 8400 0160 6764PRICING
Monthly Unlimited (morning and afternoon): 120 €
Beginners Monthly Unlimited (fisrt month): 100 €
3 days per week (only afternoon) : 100 €
Drop in: 20 €
Single classes are only for ashtanga practitionersWe do not offer trial classes
5 classes : 80 € (valid 6 weeks)
10 classes : 120 € (valid for 2 months)
Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 10:30
Monday to Thursday from 17:30 p.m. to 19:30